wimblr95 v0.01


@ wimblr - is currently online !

system statistics

system names: pebblebrain.net, wil & the burs

hosts count: 5ish headcount: unknown; 50+
subsystems: 4 or 5
date found: oct. 2nd 2020


about us !

welcome to pebblebrain.net !
aka, about my system !

hi! were pebblebrain.net - or wil & the burs, or aelodau.net, or the many limbs of yggdrasil - a polyfrag osdd system! were also a nonhuman, introject, syskid, and fragment heavy system! i would say were 95% nonhumans, 99% introjects, and like 40% syskids ! a fragment percentage is harder to estimate since we dont count all fragments in our member count, just know theres a lot of them running around

we first discovered / started actually processing our system october 2nd 2020, after awhile of questioning and identity weirdness! since then we have realised a lot about ourself and how identity works for us! which is to say, its still a mess but it is a slightly more organised mess :p

our system is pretty active - we usually switch every day or so, and we honestly dont have a completely solid host ! instead we are primarily hosted and co-hosted by two of our subsystems, as well as having a couple other singular hosts! the singular hosts tend to host for around a month or two before the brain decides it wants to make us change hosts again, while the two subsystems have been pretty consistently hosting for awhile!!

we have pretty decent internal communication - though we do have some amnesia!! though its not wholly system related amnesia, a good chunk of it also comes from our other mental health issues. i wouldnt say were the most functional system but we are certainly getting by!

mental health stuff - especially things like systemhood - has always been very very interesting to us, so now knowing that were a system we might have a bit of a special interest in our own brain/system... which might be kinda weird, but we just find things to do with the brain and identity really interesting!!
which is to say also, if anyone out there is ever curious about anything to do with systems, or my system, (outside of like... questions about traumas) feel free to ask!! i love talking about it :) i think its really interesting!

systemhood and autism

as weve mentioned other spots, were autistic ! and our system is definitely affected by it -
we struggle to find identities outside of our interests (even outside of systemhood, weve got no clue who we are without our interests), and such we get so so many introjects, especially from or related to our special interests! this is why we have so many minecraft related introjects! im half surprised we dont have just an introject of the game minecraft honestly


this site is very much a work in progress !!
if you find any issues on the site, feel free to let me know!

sheep :D

wip warning

this page is very much a work in progress !

for some reason everytime i try to work on this page i start dissociating so its currently in wip hell ! someday therell be more stuff here