wimblr95 v0.01


@ wimblr - is currently online !

user statistics

names: wimblr / wim / pebble / wilbur
pronouns: it/ey/she/he + more neos
gender: genderqueer xenogender transfem girlboy

enneagram: 4w5
astrology: leo sun, taurus moon, gemini rising


please dont refer to me as human ! im not one <3

im a creature, a thing, a silly little guy - but never a human


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about my religious/spiritual beliefs !

all about my religious and spiritual beliefs !

so in the simplest of terms im (ethnically) jewish and pagan!
to be more specific, im pantheistic, jewish, and a norse pagan (though im not one of those assholes who uses norse paganism as a sheild to actually just be a white supremacist)! i also lean towards pop-culture paganism in some ways, as well as hellenistic beliefs!! i mainly follow pagan practices, my family is no longer jewish so i dont publically follow jewish traditions or holidays - though i hope i will get the courage to bring it up my mom eventually!

the things i do most often are divination, meditation, generally just. talking to my gods, and occasional rituals - mainly on pagan holidays! the divination and such is much more year-round though !!

my main gods

main gods

hel / hella - hel is the main god i follow, ive worked with/followed her for years now! i consider her my god mom because of how long ive been working with her <3! ive actually got a necklace i frequently wear for her - a bone i found tied with green string :)

iðunn - another big one for me! very much a comfort, shes also very motherly feeling to me! i work with her less than hel, but shes still very much important to me - especially around springtime!!

other gods/spirits

other gods and spirits

the fae - i have always been very connected to the fae ! they feel like family to me and are important to my beliefs as well as my practice! :)
hashem - admittedly im currently less connected to him than my other gods, as i am still getting my jewishness figured out, but he is still important to me :)

i am also connected to baldr and bragi (norse), artemis and demeter (greek), ceridwen (welsh), and the mórrígan (irish)!!

how my beliefs developed

how did my beliefs develop into such a weird eclectic mess, you might be asking!
well, as a kid we grew up on a lot of mythoses - mostly norse and greek/roman, but also egyption, some celtic, some gaelic, some japanese, and some native american folklore !! i always felt very connected to the mythos i would read, the gods i heard about felt like they were watching over me from the start. while it wasnt my parents intent to raise me as a pagan, i do think i was because ive held these beliefs since i was old enough to understand what it meant, what religion was!! often times my parents would read me myths as bedtime stories, and afterwards as i was starting to fall asleep i would talk in my head to the gods i had i heard about in the story i was read - most frequently it was odin i'd talk to when i was little. id just tell them about my day, the field trip my school would be going on the next week, all my silly little childhood worries! in a way they were my imaginary friends when i was a kid (though. unimaginary of course)

my judaism is a newer addition to my menagerie of religious ideologies - i only learned about my jewish ancestry a couple of years ago, and have since been trying to learn more about it and get more into that part of my life and family history!! growing up i was partially surrounded by jewish culture - a couple of my childhood friends are jewish so i did experience some things - bat mitzvahs, chanukah celebrations, as well as at least one passover celebration! neither of my parents are (currently) religious though, so i never experienced those things with my own family... well except for when i was very young, which i sadly dont remember. im glad i could experience them though, because i feel perhaps i wouldnt feel as connected to being jewish now if i hadnt :)

links to even more about me (most links are wips)


this site is very much a work in progress !!
if you find any issues on the site, feel free to let me know!


colours: green and yellow !
animals: frogs and sheep !!!
movie: john carpenters the thing(1982)
tv show: the x files
video game: minecraft !!
visual novel: we know the devil
bands: bears in trees, car seat headrest, and lovejoy :D
books: the stand by stephen king, house of leaves by mark z danielewski
manga: chainsaw man
minecraft mob: enderman
flower: lavender
smells: lavender again, petrichor, tree sap

likes and dislikes


herpetology, horror media, music, tattoos and piercings, general alt + punk stuff, older technology (mostly 80s-early 2000s), old web stuff, technology in general, trains, generally cute things, weird obscure things


sudden loud noises, hot weather, losing things, bad textures, capitalism, a lot of the usa, the general state of politics right now

enderman :)